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Harmony Curriculum™ provides Pre-K to 6th grade instructional tools and classroom resources to support healthy relationships and build social and emotional skills in students inside and outside the classroom.

Harmony Professional Learning™ (formerly known as Inspire Leading in Learning) supports and inspires the Whole Educator in Pre-K to 12th grade as they build instructional practices and healthy relationships in classrooms.

The Sanford College of Education’s professional development website will guide you as an educator in understanding and providing Social and Emotional Learning. You will see SEL in action and get practical suggestions for immediate implementation.

The Fundraising Academy provides free, on-demand training for nonprofits and fundraising professionals on the cause selling approach to building and retaining donor relationships.

Harmony Curriculum™ provides Pre-K to 6th grade instructional tools and classroom resources to support healthy relationships and build social and emotional skills in students inside and outside the classroom.

Harmony Professional Learning™ (formerly known as Inspire Leading in Learning) supports and inspires the Whole Educator in Pre-K to 12th grade as they build instructional practices and healthy relationships in classrooms.

The Sanford College of Education’s professional development website will guide you as an educator in understanding and providing Social Emotional Learning. You will see SEL in action and get practical suggestions for immediate implementation.

The Fundraising Academy Learning Portal provides free, on-demand training for nonprofits and fundraising professionals on the cause selling approach to building and retaining donor relationships.